Postcard explainer for the GOP
If it's OK for Musk to do your job, what does Trump need YOU for?
Lately, a lot of GOP senators and representatives have gotten pretty fuzzy on who is supposed to make laws and allocate, or cut, spending. I know that Article 1 of the US Constitution is a lot to read. I also know they prefer to limit their study of the constitution to repeating second half of the Second Amendment, anytime somebody shoots and kills a bunch of innocent school children.
So I get all that. But with Elon and Trump taking over most of Congress’ duties in violation of the law, our governing bodies and officials are left with little to do, which might strike some as…wasteful and inefficient. And when I say, “some,” I mean, “power-mad oligarchs who don’t want any coequal branches of government around to cramp their style.” And if GOP senators and reps think their federal jobs are safe when everybody else’s is on the chopping block…well, isn’t that just adorable?
That’s why I prepared this handy postcard primer for GOP members of congress.
Please print out and paste on a 4x6” postcard and send to someone who needs it.
Brilliant graphic. Already shared to my FB “friends”. And restacking here.💖